Adults in Formal Education: Policies and Practices in Europe
Date of publication: 7 March 2011
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Drafted in the context of the European Commission's Action Plan on Adult Learning (2007-2010), this Eurydice report looks at education and training opportunities for under-qualified adults and also covers policies and measures for enhancing the participation of adults in higher education.
The Eurydice report reflects on several key issues faced by European countries such as:
The Eurydice report reflects on several key issues faced by European countries such as:
- How national systems provide adults with opportunities to go “one step up” and upgrade their educational attainment
- How do they face very different challenges in raising the educational attainment of their adult population
- To what extent flexible learning provision is ensured for those returning to formal education
- Which strategies are put in place in order to encourage adults to return to higher education
- Which financial measures support the adult participation in formal education and training