Wiecej ze strony Education at a Glance 2007:
Education at a Glance is the OECD’s annual round-up of data and analysis on education, providing a rich, comparable and up-to-date array of indicators on education systems in the OECD’s 30 member countries and in a number of partner economies. The main areas covered are:
- Participation and achievement in education
- Public and private spending on education
- The state of lifelong learning
- Conditions for pupils and teachers
The 2007 edition investigates the effects of expanding tertiary education on labour markets. Graduation rates from higher education have grown significantly in OECD countries in recent decades, but has the increasing supply of well-educated workers been matched by the creation of high-paying jobs? Or will everyone with a university degree some day work for the minimum wage? Using recent data and indicators comparable among OECD countries, Education at a Glance 2007 finds that the expansion of tertiary education has had a positive impact for individuals and national economies, and that there are, so far, no signs of an inflation of the value of qualifications.
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Wczesniejsze raporty:
- Education at a Glance 2006
- Education at a Glance 2005
- Education at a Glance 2004
- Education at a Glance 2003
- Education at a Glance 2002
- Education at a Glance 2001
Dyskusja nad raportem OECD
odnoszacym sie do wypowiedzi prof. Lutego dla FA.Korekta 12 stycznia 2008r. - nastapila pomylka, za ktora przepraszam.
Artykul prof. Lutego dotyczyl ponizszej publikacji OECD:
- Poland must accelerate reform of tertiary education, OECD says;
- review of Tertiary Education in Poland - link do PDFu w drugim akapicie. 30 IV 2008r. - Polska wersja raportu